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Appreciate these "special" sea creatures

The modern equipment allows us to explore what is hidden in the sea thousands of meters deep. From here, a "monster called deep" is gradually exposed, let everyone on the scene when to See them.

Blowfish fish

Was found near the depth of 1200 meters at the bottom of the Oceania sea fish, called blobfish, has been named the world's most ugly animal. Therefore, they have such a strange form of a PH n environment is life in the deep sea bottom place - 60 times the pressure ratio on the shore.

According to scientists, blobfish and even the proportion of light water, so we can easily wander in the bottom does not need too much energy to move.

The lice eat tongue

When looking at a louse, many people will feel in horror movies. In fact, the real sea monsters exist in the California area. The name "lice and" set based on its growth habit. The first species will intrude into the cover strip. Next, it will gradually erode the main part of the tongue, until some atrophy disappeared. After the lice will eat tongue's role as a new tongue and continue to live parasites, until the "victims" It is dead.

Dumbo octopus

A live octopus shapes in a lovely way in the depth of more than 7000 meters under the sea. Their food is small creatures are mainly krill species. The reason is called Dumbo Octopus ", because they have a pair of big ears, like" fly like the famous film and animation name Disney.

Barreleye fish

Fish have a head, in the name of a barreleye two. Therefore, their body structure is so special, is the biggest fish eye light to help barreleye can be more easily observed in the work, the living conditions in the darkness of the sea. It is known that the record of all types of the sea in the Pacific Ocean, the Atlantic and India.

Blackfish swallower

Have the ability to look terrible fish almost swallowed everything, as his name swallower black (true black Devourer). In fact, due to the special structure, the body of a fish, the black swallower intrinsic length average 25 cm to 86 cm long piece to swallow prey that is more than three times the size of.

Goblin Shark

We often hear of the great white shark, big shaft, tiger shark... "... The shark fairy is really a very strange name in their "blue". In fact, it is because of living in the bottom of the sea and fish, so this is just recently scientists discovered that you can easily see, the most prominent feature is the Chi elf shark Long flat nose is different than the similar nose know that this is a "radar", contains a receptor in the sensory-motor in the water for fish to find their prey.

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