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Black shark fins are the meanest shark in the

Black shark fins are found mainly in warm coastal waters of the world - they often meet people.

Living habits and scope

Fish usually live in the Bay, estuary, coral reefs, and coastal shallow waters. In the summer, blacktip sharks usually migrate to cooler waters, including those living in the fish nose angle, Massachusetts In different communities still stay in the warm waters near the equator blacktips years. Separation of daily life, only during the mating season mating.

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The ability to leap and business model

Black shark fins, sometimes swimming, water is near the surface. They off air twist, and make the waist several times spilled water performance is impressive. This is sometimes a part of hunting, we use the method of To attack the phagocytosis and crowded fish swimming near the surface of the sharks are throwing themselves into the fish. In addition, blacktip sharks and rays fill, ink and some animal Crustacean animal different menu. Sharks are often know swimming is left according to the part of the fishing boats and eat leftovers.

The parthenogenetic form

In 2008, DNA evidence that sharks in her own eggs pregnant, you don't need help men. It did not know, because this is a very rare generosity, C When there is a call "parthenogenesis" means "parthenogenetic form", it only happens in the blacktip sharks or some other sharks.


The breeding season is the best opportunity, allowing scientists to observe sharks. They often gather a and let children raise theirs in the shallow waters near the coast. These children are usually born from 4-10 in each breeding and young can swim, when we just born. The young also began production in four or five years old we can continue this process, in our life, he even lasted more than 10 years. The young black shark fins, living in coastal areas, until we grow up, because it can help them to avoid the real shark prey is greater.

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A threat.

However, the development of love living in coastal waters to blacktips coastal areas are particularly susceptible to the increasingly narrow environment infrastructure construction area and seedbed - commercial fishing activities are very common in the southeastern United States, Mexico, and India. Blacktip sharks in the world, has been included in the Red Book of threatened, mainly because they taste good, usually the meat and the main components used to surround - hunting Shark fin soup.

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